CALC2020 took place online with software support from Coventry University. 

Elena Traina

2. Ageism and libraries

Sheila Webber

3. Read at Leicester

Heena Karavadra

4. One subdivision at a time

Sarah Hammond

5. Sick systems: is cruelty the point of HE?

Hannah Hickman

6. Developing credit-bearing modules in critical library practices

Michelle Bond and Darren Flynn

7. Critical role of the area information specialist towards decolonisation

Waseem Farooq

8. How witches use libraries: the information behaviour of contemporary pagans and ritual magicians

Joanne Fitzpatrick

9. Embedding changes in HE through decolonizing academic practices

Sara Ewing

Keynote 1: Quinn Roache

Quinn Roache is policy officer for LGBT+ and Disabled Workers in the Equalities and Strategy Department of the Trades Union Congress.


Keynote 2: Dr Zainab Naqvi

Dr Zainab Naqvi is a senior lecturer in law at De Montfort Law School and coordindating editor of the Feminist Law Studies journal.
