Financial Accessibility

Our aim at CALC is to develop a space that prioritises accessibility and inclusion for all our conference stakeholders. The information below sets out our policies and practices regarding financial accessibility, speaker payment and use of paid and donated labour.

General principles of financial accessibility

The conference will always aim to offer a low-cost conference that is as financially accessible as possible. To this end CALC:

- Is a non-profit conference. This includes that any surplus funds will be reinvested into the conference and not cross-subsidise other activities

- Organised and delivered on a voluntary basis using donated labour

- Will seek low-cost options wherever possible while maintaining high ethical standards in our choice of suppliers

- Will aim to make all supplier payments promptly on receipt of an invoice

For attendees

- CALC will aim to keep registration fees as low as possible both in real terms and in comparison to similar conferences

- Registration fees will be set at the minimum cost to deliver a viable conference with any potential surplus reinvested in the conference without profit or cross-subsidy of other activities

- CALC will offer free bursary places at the conference. These will be allocated by lottery and initially targeted at individuals from groups who experience underrepresentation and/or marginalisation in libraries, academia or traditional conferences. CALC will aim for a high proportion of bursary places both in real terms and in comparison to similar conferences

- Bursary places will be funded through a combination of ticket sales and sponsorship. Bursary holders will not be identified at the conference or be required or asked to complete any additional activities by conference organisers (e.g. reviews or write-ups)

- Where CALC operates as an in-person conference, we will aim for bursary places to include travel and accommodation costs as needed

- Holders of paid or bursary places who require additional support to attend the conference (e.g. personal assistants, interpreters) will be provided with an additional free place

- CALC cannot provide free childcare or creche facilities for attendees or speakers. When considering a venue for an in-person conference we will endeavour to ensure a family-friendly venue so that delegates are able to bring younger children and infants with them if desired

For programme speakers (speakers at parallel sessions)

- As a minimum-cost conference CALC is unable to pay programme speakers for their labour and contributions either at the conference or in preparing and submitting abstracts

- Programme speakers will be offered a free place at the conference. In the case of an online conference this will include all named presenters

- In the case of an in-person conference a free place will ordinarily be provided to the session’s lead author only. We would aim that free places at in-person events would include travel and accommodation costs if required

- CALC organisers may offer additional free places to other speakers or contributors if required to meet additional goals and policies such as representation and diversity of experience

- We advocate that presenters are able to prepare and deliver sessions within paid work time and that employers should view such activity as continuing professional development (though we recognise that this is not always the case and also that some presenters may not be currently employed)

- CALC will aim to cover any additional costs that programme speakers incur from presenting at the conference (reasonable additional equipment)

- CALC will consult with accepted speakers on programming and aim to schedule speakers based on their preferences and requirements

For keynote speakers

- Keynote speakers will be ordinarily be paid at a rate agreed by the conference organisers

- Payment of keynote speakers is based on attracting high profile speakers, those that may not be based in the library sector or those who are freelance or independent researchers or practitioners

- Payments for keynote speakers also recognise the additional time and labour requirements of preparing a keynote talk

- Keynote speakers fees will be paid via sponsorship in the first instance and ticket sales thereafter

Other suppliers of services

- CALC will pay suppliers of additional services at an agreed rate, this may include (but is not limited to) design services, facilitators of bespoke sessions, performers during social events, catering costs and external consultation fees

- Costs for additional services will be funded through sponsorship and ticket sales

Use of volunteers and donated labour

- CALC may make use of informal volunteers and donated labour for limited and specific purposes. These may include (but are not limited to) parallel session chairing, copywriting and transcription of session recordings

- When using informal volunteers and donated labour, CALC organisers will specify the tasks required, anticipated time commitment and provide support and training required

- CALC may make use of volunteers and donated labour in specific formal roles. These may include (but are not limited to) peer review of papers, web editing and co-organisation roles

- When using volunteers and donated labour in formal roles CALC organisers will fulfil the requirements of the Fair Library Jobs Manifesto for Voluntary roles within the profession


- CALC recognises that sponsorship can be a useful additional revenue stream for the conference and help in minimising costs for attendees

- Where used sponsorship will be for specified purposes

- CALC organisers will prepare a sponsorship pack each year outlining the various sponsorship options, amount required and donator benefits. This will be published on the conference website

- In considering offers of sponsorship CALC organisers will assess the extent to which the organisation or individual’s values, ethos and actions align with those of the conference and may decline sponsorship offers