Critical Approaches to Libraries Conference 

A conference to discuss critical practice in libraries. 


We here at CALC (Critical Approaches to Libraries Conference) are always looking for new ways to connect people to ideas around critical librarianship. We started with our annual conference, followed by webinars, and now we are embarking on a new endeavour – CALC Quarterly.

CALC Quarterly is a journal/newsletter which aims to give folks the space to share ideas and experiences around critical librarianship in a formal or informal way.  As with the conference itself, we strive to be inclusive and accessible to all with a commitment to give a platform for a diverse range of voices and experiences. 

We're looking for contributions for our first issue, with the suggested prompt of: ‘What does CALC and/or critical librarianship mean to you?’.

To be included in our first issue (or first few issues depending on how many submissions we get!), it would be fantastic if you could submit your contribution to us by Wednesday 31 January 2024. More information on formats and how to submit work can be found on the CALC Quarterly submissions page: https://calcquarterly.org/submissions.

***End of announcement***

CALC23 took place in May 2023 - session recordings are on our YouTube channel.

We're a non-profit conference and need to raise funds to deliver the conference to you. If you're able to donate to us, please do so via our Open Collective site.

Darren Flynn and Michelle Bond

Co-organisers - Critical Approaches to Libraries Conference

Get in touch with us at calcconference@gmail.com