Dr. Padrón's Highlighted & Recent Publications
The practice of Curanderismo: A qualitative study from the perspectives of Curandera/os
Hoskins, D. & Padrón, E. (2017). The practice of Curanderismo: A qualitative study from the perspectives of Curandera/os. Journal of Latina/o Psychology. Advanced online publication.
Trauma type and posttraumatic stress disorder as predictors of parenting stress in trauma-exposed mothers
Wilson, C., Padrón, E., & Samuelson, K.W. (2017). Trauma type and posttraumatic stress disorder as predictors of parenting stress in trauma-exposed mothers. Violence and Victims, 32(1), 141-158.
Maternal PTSD and children’s adjustment: Parenting stress and emotional availability as proposed mediators
Samuelson, K.W, Wilson, C., Padrón, E. , Lee, S., Gavron, L.* (2017). Maternal PTSD and children’s adjustment: Parenting stress and emotional availability as proposed mediators. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 73(6), 693–706.
Maternal trauma and children’s functioning: The role of kinship social support. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma
Krauss, L.*, Wilson, C., Padrón, E.., & Samuelson, K.W. (2016). Maternal trauma and children’s functioning: The role of kinship social support. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, Special Issue: Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma and Family Issues, 25(4), 421-435.
Whiteness in Latin American immigrant women: A Venezuelan perspective
Padrón, E. (2015). Whiteness in Latin American immigrant women: A Venezuelan perspective. Special issue on Whiteness and White Privilege in Psychotherapy. Women and Therapy, 38(3-4), 194-206
Frightened versus not frightened disorganized infants: Newborn characteristics and maternal interference
Padrón, E., Carlson, E.A., & Sroufe, L.A. (2014). Frightened versus not frightened disorganized infants: Newborn characteristics and maternal interference. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 84(2), 201-208.
Gay Men who Became Fathers via Surrogacy: The Transition to Parenthood
Bergman, K., Rubio, R.J., Green, R., & Padrón, E. (2010), Gay Men who Became Fathers via Surrogacy: The Transition to Parenthood, Journal of GLBT Family Studies. 6, 111-141
Angels in the Nursery: The intergenerational transmission of benevolent parental influences
Lieberman, A.F.L., Padrón, E., Van Horn, & P. Harris, W. W. (2005). Angels in the Nursery: The intergenerational transmission of benevolent parental influences. Infant Mental Health Journal, 26 (6), 504-520
Earned-secure attachment status in retrospect and prospect
Roisman, G. I., Padrón, E., Sroufe, L. A., & Egeland, B. (2002). Earned-secure attachment status in retrospect and prospect. Child Development, 73, 1204-1209