In this time of crisis and children being home and online.  

"Awareness can protect your children!"

In an effort to educate the public, the team at CAFSTX would like keep you aware as to how you can protect your children while they are home and away from schools, daycare centers, camps and are spending time online. 


'Children Are the Hidden Victims of This Pandemic'

March 27, 2020

Maryanne Buechner

Lockdowns and school closures threaten to deprive children of learning and all the other activities needed to sustain a healthy childhood. They also heighten risks of child exploitation, abuse and neglect. How UNICEF aims to keep child protection top of mind in the global fight against COVID-19.

Tidbit for 4/16/2020

Women Tell Us Why They Didn’t Report Their Sexual Assault & Talking to Kids About Sexual Abuse

Talking to Kids About Sexual Abuse

How to teach children to recognize inappropriate behavior, and speak up if it happens

by Harry Kimball. Harry Kimball is a senior writer and Manager of Special Reports at the Child Mind Institute.

High-profile cases of sexual abuse of children at respected places—the Horace Mann School, Joe Paterno’s locker room at Penn State, the offices of revered pediatrician Melvin Levine, the cloisters of the Catholic Church—serve to illustrate that abuse is very hard to anticipate. “We delude ourselves in to thinking that certain situations are without danger,” says Child Mind Institute President Dr. Harold Koplewicz.

“At the same time,” Dr. Koplewicz continues, “we don’t want our kids to be fearful of the world.” And this means giving them a thorough education in what is and what is not appropriate behavior to expect from other adults, as well as teaching them that speaking up about possible abuse is always the right thing to do. When parents talk to kids, Dr. Koplewicz says, they should stress that “if this happens, you don’t have anything to feel bad about.”

Read the Full Article here

Tidbit for 3/22/2020

The excerpts below are from the Center for Behavioral Intervention and were developed by a group a molesters who were in for treatment.

Who are the Child Molesters?

Advice from Child Molesters...

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