Call for papers

Contributed talks 

The talks will be given in parallel sessions; the length is 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion (max 250 words).


Research results can be presented on posters. There will be time allocated to present and discuss posters (max 250 words).



We encourage participants and software developers to organise workshops and submit workshop proposals (max 500 words). Please let us know about the technical facilities needed for the workshop. The time limit is 60 minutes per workshop.

Electronic submission of proposals and abstracts

Submission of proposals for workshops and abstracts of contributed talks and posters will be made electronically through the submission page

Important dates and deadlines

    Workshop proposals                                    30 April 2023  21 May 2023 10 June 2023

       Abstract of contributed talks and posters    30 April 2023  21 May 2023 10 June 2023

       Acceptance notifications                             31 May 2023

        Final Full papers                                     30 November 2023