Photo Gallery - Events & Socials

Donations for Grateful Garment

On January 31st, 2024, Sisters Diana (pictured on the left) and Nan (pictured on the Right) delivered 20 sets of pajamas to The Grateful Garment Project in support of their work with women and children. 

Lynda, Carol S., and Diana

New Year Luncheon

Jan. 20th, 2024

Kathie and Wendy

Pictured, from Left to Right: Kathie, Wendy, Nan, Ele, Lynda, Carol S., and Diana

Pictured, from Left to Right: Pam M., Carol A., Elaine, Addie, and Pam S.

2023 Holiday Toy Drive for

Martha's Kitchen 

Pictured, from Left to Right: Rachel, Nan, Carol A., Addie, Leslie, Diana, Lynda, Kathie, Pam M., Carol M., Pam S., Ele, Wendy, and Elaine

Northern District Conference 10/7/23

Pictured, from Left to Right: Rachel, Pam S., Lynda, Addie, and Nan

Pictured, from Left to Right: Dorothy Vaio (Past CA State President @98 Years Young!), Molly Acosta (Immediate Past International President), Addie (our Current Beta Pi Co-President), Anita Brown (Alpha Lambda, Past CA State Secretary), and Diana Galvan (Beta Eta, Current member of the Greek Squad tech team, Current State Treasurer, Past CA State President)

Filoli Gardens

BACK: Nan, Diana and Lynda 

MIDDLE: Pam S. and Stella

FRONT: Jackie, Addie, and Carol M.

March 2023

2022 Holiday Toy Drive for

Martha's Kitchen 

Pictured, from Left to Right: Elaine, Addie, Rachel, Lynda, Pam M., Diana, Carol M., Ele, Nan, and Pam S.

Even More Donations!

Beta Pi donated approx. 100 Toys this year, for children of ages ranging from newborn to teens! There were stuffed toys, dolls, activity kits, books, puzzles, building blocks, and more!

2022 Holiday Ornament Making for the Women & Children at City Team's "House of Grace"

Elaine, Pam S. & Carol A.

Carol A., Pam M. & Elaine

Pam S. and Diana

Diana and Carol A.

Northern District Conference 10/1/22

Nan, Addie, Elaine and Pam S.

Donation Opportunity Raffle Winner 

@Chapter Meeting 10/13/22

Carol M. was the lucky sister!

Bocce Ball and Luncheon - July 2022

Above: The Winning Team! - Carol S., Leslie, Addie and Lynda

Left, Top: Diana / Left, Bottom: Lynda & Diana



Carol S.

The Losing Team:

Jackie, Diana, Rachel, & Stella

Filoli Gardens

Lynda, Diana, Pam S., Nan, and Leslie

March 2022

Bocce Ball and Luncheon - June 2021


Addie, Diana, and Carol A.


Lynda and Rachel (with daughter)

Above, from Left to Right:

Rachel (with daughter), Diana, Lynda, Pam M., & Carol A.

Above, from Left to Right:

Rachel (with daughter, Elizabeth), Diana, Lynda, Pam M., & Carol A.

Farther in the Past ...

Fun at...

Addie, Diana, Wendy, Jill and Lynda

Filoli Gardens!

Addie, Jill, Lynda, Wendy, Diana and Nan

Volunteering at R.A.F.T.

Jill, Elaine and Addie

Winter Holiday Tea Party at Lisa's Tea Treasures

Lynda wears a Fascinator!

Summer Social

Elaine, Wendy, Lynda and Nan

Bunco Fundraiser with Luncheon and Donation Raffles

Holiday Bear Donations