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Beta Pi Supports Local School with a "Mini Grant"

In the fall of 2023, Chaboya Middle School's "Growing Kindness Club" was the recipient of a $500 mini-grant sponsored by Alpha Delta Kappa. Leslie Schafer, a member of the Beta Pi chapter in San Jose, submitted the application to the ADK grant committee. The grant money went towards the school gardens and the "Growing Kindness Club," sponsored by 7th grade science teacher, Mai Dang.

Monies from the grant specifically went towards building trellis to grow sweetpeas and a compost bin. The sweetpeas will be harvested in the spring and made into flower arrangements for the two assisted care senior centers near Chaboya School. 

Club members also used the funds to build kits that included a blanket, water bottle, Uno game, and pens and pencils. These kits were delivered to two homeless students in the district. Six additional kits were delivered to three small assisted care facilities. One student commented that she could “see the sparkle in her eye," referring to one of the senior residents who opened her kit. 

On behalf of the 20 student club members and their teacher advisor at Chaboya, we thank ADK for helping to “grow” our vision.