
The Rewards of Membership

Alpha Delta Kappa members are hope builders and difference makers! They ignite and engage their communities to make a difference. Membership is honorary and based on peer recognition. Being a member of Alpha Delta Kappa provides leadership and networking opportunities. When you join, you become part of the force of over 29,000 educators worldwide, combining their energy and talents to enrich their lives and the lives of others! (From the International Website)

 Locally, our CA Beta Pi chapter is focused on improving the lives and education of children, women, and the disabled, right here in San Jose! See our "Altruistic Projects" page for more information. Our annual scholarships support educators-in-training who attend the Teaching Academy at Independence High School and students of the Lurie College of Education at San Jose State. See our "Scholarships" page for more information.

CA AK Beta Pi hosts multiple opportunities for social outings and gatherings each year, as well as monthly member meetings, with a break in the summers, so that sisters can travel.

Sisters in Beta Pi have the opportunity to volunteer with local organizations we support, as well as organizations of their choice.

 A∆K members are invited to attend conferences, at the state, regional, and international levels.

See all the fun for yourself, in our "Photo Gallery."


If an educator or retired educator is interested in joining, one should start by reaching out to any current Sister in A∆K, or sending an email to our local chapter at

Prospective members will attend A∆K Meetings and/or Events and help the sisters get to know them.

A prospective member must be formally nominated for membership by a sponsoring sister.  When membership is approved by the sisters of CA Beta Pi, new members are initiated in April each year.

Sisters pay annual dues to local and state. Current dues are $90 per year.