Jio 3 Get 1

Our goal of 2,500 participants is within reach!

In only 2 weeks, we have more than 1,500 participants taking part in the campaign. What's more, around 80% of participants are not caregivers!

That's fantastic, because it shows that many people from all walks of life are willing to show their support for caregivers of persons with mental health issues.

The next step is getting this campaign to snowball.

If each one of us now found just 1 other person to join, we could easily reach many more than 2,500 participants! As our numbers grow, it makes it even easier for yet more people to join this meaningful campaign.

Why not challenge yourself? Tell 3 friends about this campaign.

Out of 3, can you get at least 1 person to sign up?

As more and more people take part, this campaign can grow like a rolling snowball.