Peatland Monitoring 

Securing funding for a peatland restoration project will typically require estimation of the reduction in emissions and/or sequestration arising from the change in management. Different approaches are available to undertake this that vary in their rigour and cost. Quantification with a view to establishing a formally recognised and validated carbon credit scheme will require considerable certainty in estimation, however, less onerous methods are available that may well be ‘accurate enough’ to lead to investment. Regardless of the method used, an estimate of baseline (current situation) and future emissions (under restoration) is likely to be required.

Reference Scenario

To determine a decrease in GHG emission or a change in any other ecosystem service, after a land use change, it is important to formulate the baseline scenario or reference. If a rewetted area was used for conventional drainage-based agriculture for example, the drop in GHG emission can be much larger than in a situation where the land was previously used extensively (Liu et al., 2023).

Since the chosen reference scenario plays a big role in determining the eventual improvement in ecosystem services and GHG emissions that can be credited, it is an important factor determining the profitability of a change in land-use.

Apart from the reference scenario, it is also important to consider the alternative future scenario. What would have happened with the area if it would not have been rewetted? Perhaps partial rewetting was planned already, or a more extensive use of the area was planned. The gain from full rewetting is then only the difference between partial and full rewetting. An important side note however, is that this ‘future reference’ can never be verified and carries a large uncertainty. Changes in the economy or public opinion might have influenced the future of a certain area. It is thus important to be careful and conservative when using future reference scenarios (Joosten et al., 2015).

A more costly approach that can be applied to smaller research projects, is that of long-term monitoring of a reference area. In this case, a reference area that does not undergo rewetting is compared to a rewetted area. They are both monitored on a longer time scale to determine the changes occurring due to rewetting. An important sidenote is the fact that the reference site in this case does not undergo spontaneous development that other areas might experience since it is labelled as a reference site and thus must remain stable (Joosten et al., 2015).

Taken together it is important to formulate a clear reference scenario, formulate the planned changes and likely gains that come with that, and then verify these gains by monitoring in the future to ensure correct payment for improvements in ecosystem services and GHG emission reductions.

Closed chamber measurement (Photo: Jeroen Geurts) ???

Flux measurements

Flux measurements provide a direct means of quantifying carbon and greenhouse gas balances. Eddy covariance techniques, for example, provide a high-resolution record of the net flux of CO2 from or to the land surface, for an area of land surrounding the flux tower. Closed chambers can also be used to measure fluxes, these provide a sealed enclosure above vegetation in which changes in gas concentrations can be measured over time. Spatial and temporal variation in water table, vegetation and soil carbon content, mean, however, that accurately quantifying fluxes at a site requires an array of chamber measurement in space and time. The application of both eddy covariance and chamber approaches is largely limited to research projects.


Other, more indirect, approaches to estimating GHG emissions exist that can support the securing of investment. The Greenhouse Gas Emission Site Types (GEST) method, for example, uses two factors, water table and vegetation type, to estimate net emissions. Initially developed to be able to assess GHG fluxes across Central Europe, the catalogue of available GEST values is being expanded as new GEST types are validated through research projects, including those in other regions. Elsewhere the UKs Peatland Code provides standard emissions factors for four peatland conditions; ‘Near-Natural’; ‘Modified’; ‘Drained’ and ‘Actively Eroding’ based on a review and statistical analysis of available flux data. These are captured in a Peatland Code Emissions Calculator that is applicable to ‘upland’ peatlands.

A promising new development, spearheaded by companies such as TerraMotion, is the use of satellite data to determine emissions. Since this data is easily available and cheap, it provides an alternative to more costly methods. TerraMotion uses elevation data to determine land subsidence over time. This data is then used as a proxy for water table level, which in turn is used to determine GHG emission. This approach does rely on some assumptions, so field measurements need to be conducted to confirm accuracy of the approach. If this is further developed it provides a cheap way for landowners to determine the emission from their land over a large area and use this to claim carbon credits. It also provides a relevant tool for nature restoration as it allows managers to quickly see if their restoration approach is having the desired effect.

Biodiversity Monitoring

Since it is not possible to determine the entire biodiversity in an area, indicator species are used to monitor biodiversity (Chapman et al., 2003). These indicator species are species that react to rewetting and colonise the rewetted area, if the ecosystem is restored successfully (Caro, 2010). To get a complete image of the success of rewetting, it is important to use a broad range of indicator species that colonise the area at different stages of restoration and in different habitats (Chapman et al., 2003).  Indicator species can be at the foundation of an ecosystem as ecosystem engineers (Such as Spagnum mosses), they can be at the top of the foodchain as umbrella species indicating a healthy functioning of the rest of the foodchain, or they can be flagship species that represent a certain community. The choice of what exact species to use as indicator species depends on the region, but will likely include vascular plants/mosses, birds, amphibians, and arthropods (Joosten et al., 2015)

To measure the abundance of species, a wide array of methods is available. Transects and quadrants can be used for vegetation essays (i.e. moss cover and diversity). Emergence traps can be used to capture and identify arthropods, both aquatic and terrestrial. Point counts and netting can be used to determine bird species and flying insect biodiversity. Pit falls, funnel traps, and dip netting can be used to determine amphibian diversity.

A less costly approach is a BEST approach which is very similar to the aforementioned GEST approach. In the BEST approach, biotope types are used as indicators for biodiversity. The different biotopes are given a certain value based on their expected biodiversity. The vegetation and water table data collected for the GEST approach is used to determine the biotope and thus does not require any additional data. To strengthen the claims of the BEST approach, validation measurements can be carried out in the field.

Collecting insect samples using emergence traps
(Photo: Gert-Jan van Duinen)

Water Quality, Storage, and Flood Prevention

To assess water quality, the levels of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are most important. High quality information on the nutrient balance in and around peatlands can be gained through long-term measurements adapted to local hydrology (Trepel, 2004). This approach is very costly and cannot be done beforehand. Alternatively, complex modelling can be used, considering local hydrology and internal processes (Trepel, 2004). A very conservative approach based on vegetation type (NEST approach) is the cheapest and easiest way of assessing changes in water quality (Joosten et al., 2015).

Hydrodynamic modelling can be used to calculate the retention potential and associated flood peak reduction of peatlands. An initial assessment of the long term groundwater storage in rewetted peatlands can be done using available maps, digital data and some field visits. A more detailed assessment requires information on all involved aquifers and a long time series of groundwater data. This information is then fed into a geo-hydraulic model, which can predict the effects of rewetting (Joosten et al., 2015).

Site Emissions Tool (SET)

The Site Emissions Tool (SET) was developed within Carbon Connects to help non-specialists to estimate the GHG emission reductions and resulting C-credits for a project. It is meant to be sufficiently easy to use to be useful for interested farmers, land owners or policy makers. SET can calculate most of the numbers included in a typical scenario based estimation of a project’s GHG emission effects. The calculations are based on the GEST database and IPCC tier 1 calculation, and are thus IPCC-proof. See the user manual for more details.


New techniques including the use of drones and peat motion cameras may help to quantify emissions through indirect methods in the future and, as the availability of data from a variety of monitoring techniques grows, it will become increasingly easier to find ‘off the shelf’ emissions estimates that can be applied to a particular site of interest with reasonable confidence. 

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are used to complement traditional fieldwork practices such as walk-overs and fixed-point photography to capture high resolution aerial photographs of restoration sites. Flight maps of restoration sites are created which the drones follow to capture aerial images in a sequential order. Using specialist software, the photographs are then knitted together to create one large file which can be used in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) mapping for analysis.

These images are used for a variety of purposes. Before restoration, aerials can be used to identify moorland drains, dendritic erosion gullies, haggs and areas of bare peat to plan where and how much restoration work will be required. From them, the amount of brash needed to cover areas of bare peat and the number of stone dams and coir rolls required is calculated, and their approximate location is recorded. 

After restoration, aerial photographs can be used to assess the impact restoration has had on water flow, vegetation health, cover and composition and carbon dioxide emissions. UAV aerial photography can also be used to assess the impact that cutting for heather brash and Sphagnum clump harvesting has on donor sites. 

UAVs allow data to be collected from a much larger area at a much faster rate than surveying on foot as well as opening up a new dimension of data analysis. This includes better modelling of water flow paths, improved classification of bare peat areas and more accurate 3D landscape models, which will all help shape future restoration work, capture the scale of the peatland degradation, and support communication with the public.

A quadcopter UAV
(Photo: North Pennines AONB Partnership)

An aerial photograph taken pre-restoration showing erosion gullies, haggs and bare peat
(Photo: North Pennines AONB Partnership)

Aerial photograph of an erosion gully taken before ... (Photo: North Pennines AONB Partnership)

... and after restoration, two years apart
(Photo: North Pennines AONB Partnership)

Degraded site Teesdale County Durham 2.MP4
Degraded site Teesdale County Durham.MP4

Drone footage of degraded sites in Teesdale, County Durham, UK (Videos: North Pennines AONB Partnership)

Monitoring in Carbon Connects Pilot Sites

Memo on the pilot sites at baseline.

Read the monitoring report from the Outgherard pilot site in Ireland.

Read the monitoring report from the Valance Lodge pilot site in the UK

Read the monitoring report from the Grand Lieu pilot site in France

Read the monitoring report from De Blankaart and Kwetshage pilot sites in Belgium

Read the monitoring report from the Helmond pilot sites in the Netherlands

Read the report from Verbruggen pilot site on Growing oyster mushrooms on cattail

20210914 Projectreport -Growing Oyster mushrooms on cattail_EN.pdf
Memo on first phase_VF_22072022.pdf