Voice Assistant


import speech_recognition as sr

import os

import keyboard

import openai

import pyttsx3

import subprocess

# Initialize the text-to-speech engine

engine = pyttsx3.init()

# Set the rate of speech

rate = engine.getProperty('rate')

engine.setProperty('rate', rate - 20)

# Set the voice

voices = engine.getProperty('voices')

engine.setProperty('voice', voices[1].id)

# Function to speak the given text

def speak(text):



# Initialize the recognizer

r = sr.Recognizer()

# Use the default microphone as the audio source

with sr.Microphone() as source:

    while True:

        print("Ready for speech...")

         # Wait for the keyboard combination to start listening



        # Start listening for audio

        audio_data = r.listen(source, phrase_time_limit=5)

        # Wait for the keyboard combination to stop listening



            # Use Google speech recognition to convert audio to text

            text = r.recognize_google(audio_data)

            print(f"You said: {text}")

            # Perform an action based on the recognized text

            if "open notepad" in text.lower():

                speak("Opening notepad")


            elif "like this song" in text.lower() or "like song" in text.lower():

                speak("Liking Song")


            elif "start music" in text.lower():

                speak("opening music")


            elif "pause music" in text.lower() or "pause song" in text.lower() or "play music" in text.lower() or "resume music" in text.lower():


            elif "search google for" in text.lower():

                query = text.lower().split("search google for ")[1]

                speak(f"searching google for {query}")

                query = query.replace(" ", "+")

                os.system(f"start https://www.google.com/search?q={query}")

            elif "good night computer" in text.lower():

                speak("sweet dreams}")

            elif "welcome everyone" in text.lower():

                speak("Welcome........To Bytes Of Code")

            elif "gpt " in text.lower():

                #use openai key

                openai.api_key = "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"

                #setup gpt-3

                model_engine = "davinci"

                query = text.lower().split("gpt ")[1]


                temperature = 0.7

                max_tokens = 256










            elif "computer" in text.lower():

                openai.api_key = "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"

                query = text.lower().split("computer ")[1]



                response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(




                chatGPT_response = response['choices'][0]['message']['content']



            elif "copilot" in text.lower():

                openai.api_key = "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"

                query = text.lower().split("copilot ")[1]

                query = query + "Do not respond with additional text. respond in python code only. Do not respond with any explination or greeting whatsoever. Your response in its entirety should only have python code."


                response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(




                chatGPT_response = response['choices'][0]['message']['content']




            elif "stop listening" in text.lower():




                speak('Command not recognized')

                print("Command not recognized")


        except sr.UnknownValueError:

            print("Unable to recognize speech")

        except sr.RequestError as e:

            print(f"Error occurred: {e}")



import pyautogui

import time

import psutil

import time

pyautogui.press('win'# Press Windows key to open Start menu


pyautogui.write('Spotify'# Type "Spotify" to search for Spotify


pyautogui.press('enter'# Open Spotify

program_name = "Spotify.exe"

# Set a timeout of 2 minutes

timeout = time.time() + 120  # 120 seconds = 2 minutes

while True:

    # Check if the program is open

    for process in psutil.process_iter():


            if process.name() == program_name:

                print("Spotify is open!")


        except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess):



        # If the program is not open, check if we have timed out

        if time.time() > timeout:

            print("Timed out!")



            # Wait for a short amount of time before checking again



    # If we reach this point, the program is open, so break out of the loop


time.sleep(7# Wait for Spotify to load

pyautogui.press('space'# Play the song



import pyautogui

import time

import psutil

import win32gui

import win32process

from pywinauto import Application

#locate physical window

def get_spotify_window_title(pids):

    titles = []

    returnpid = 0

    def _enum_cb(hwnd, results):

        if win32gui.IsWindowVisible(hwnd):

            pid = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd)[1]

            if pids is None or pid in pids:

                nonlocal returnpid

                returnpid = pid

    win32gui.EnumWindows(_enum_cb, titles)

    return returnpid

#press space to play/pause the song

def press_key(spotify_pids):

    app = Application().connect(process=get_spotify_window_title(spotify_pids))


    time.sleep(1# Wait for Spotify to load

    pyautogui.press('space'# Play the song


    # Get the window object

    window = app.top_window()

    # Minimize the window


program_name = "Spotify.exe"

process_ids = []

# Set a timeout of 2 minutes

timeout = time.time() + 120  # 120 seconds = 2 minutes

isOpen = False

while True and time.time() < timeout:

    # Check if the program is open

    for process in psutil.process_iter():


            if program_name in process.name():

                isOpen = True


        except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess):



        if isOpen:

            print("Spotify is OPEN")

            # finished looping succesfully




            print("Spotify is CLOSED")




import pyautogui

import time

import psutil

import win32gui

import win32process

from pywinauto import Application


def get_spotify_window_title(pids):

    titles = []

    returnpid = 0

    def _enum_cb(hwnd, results):

        if win32gui.IsWindowVisible(hwnd):

            pid = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd)[1]

            if pids is None or pid in pids:

                nonlocal returnpid

                returnpid = pid

    win32gui.EnumWindows(_enum_cb, titles)

    return returnpid

# Specify the name of the program you want to check

program_name = "Spotify.exe"

# Set a timeout of 2 minutes

timeout = time.time() + 120  # 120 seconds = 2 minutes

isOpen = False

# Check if the program is open

for process in psutil.process_iter():


        if process.name() == program_name:

            print("Spotify is open!")

            isOpen = True


    except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess):



    print("Spotify is not open!")


if isOpen:

    spotify_pids = []

    process_name = "Spotify.exe"

    for proc in psutil.process_iter():

        if process_name in proc.name():


    app = Application().connect(process=get_spotify_window_title(spotify_pids))




    pyautogui.hotkey('alt', 'shift', 'b', interval=0.25)  


    # Get the window object

    window = app.top_window()

    # Minimize the window
