Guess My Number

import random

print("""  _____                   __  ___       _  __           __          

 / ___/_ _____ ___ ___   /  |/  /_ __  / |/ /_ ____ _  / /  ___ ____

/ (_ / // / -_|_-<(_-<  / /|_/ / // / /    / // /  ' \/ _ \/ -_) __/

\___/\_,_/\__/___/___/ /_/  /_/\_, / /_/|_/\_,_/_/_/_/_.__/\__/_/  



#generate our random number

myRandomNumber = random.randint(1,100)

# '==' - is this equal to?

# '!=' - is this NOT equal to?

# '>' - is this GREATER than?

# '<' - is this LESS than?

# '>=' - is this greater than or equal to?

# '<=' - is this less than or equal to?



#for loop

#while loop

#boolean to know if the user is correct

isGuessCorrect = False

timesToGuess = 7

timesUserHasGuessed = 0

while isGuessCorrect == False and timesUserHasGuessed < timesToGuess:

  timesUserHasGuessed += 1


  #get the user's guess

  userGuess = input("Please type a number:")


  #converts the userGuess into an Integer

  userGuessInt = int(userGuess)


  #first check if they have guessed   correctly  

  if userGuessInt == myRandomNumber:

    print("You have guessed correctly!")

    isGuessCorrect = True

  elif userGuessInt != myRandomNumber:

    print("You have guessed wrong!!!!")

    isGuessCorrect = False


  #if they are wrong, lets tell them why

  if isGuessCorrect == False:

    if userGuessInt > myRandomNumber:

      print("too HIGH")

    elif userGuessInt < myRandomNumber:

      print("too LOW")

  print("you have guessed", timesUserHasGuessed, "time(s)")

if timesUserHasGuessed == timesToGuess and isGuessCorrect == False:

  print("WOW, you lose!")