Tic Tac Toe









theBoard = {

  '1': '1',

  '2': '2',

  '3': '3',

  '4': '4',

  '5': '5',

  '6': '6',

  '7': '7',

  '8': '8',

  '9': '9',


def printBoard(board):


  print(board['1'] + '|' + board['2'] + '|' + board['3'])


  print(board['4'] + '|' + board['5'] + '|' + board['6'])


  print(board['7'] + '|' + board['8'] + '|' + board['9'])


def clearTheBoard(board):

   for key in board:

    board[key] = " "

def checkForWinner(board, whoJustWent):


  # top row

  if board['1'] == whoJustWent and board ['2'] == whoJustWent and board['3'] == whoJustWent:

    print(f'{whoJustWent} is the WINNER!!!!')

    return True

  #mid row

  if board['4'] == whoJustWent and board ['5'] == whoJustWent and board['6'] == whoJustWent:

    print(f'{whoJustWent} is the WINNER!!!!')

    return True

  #end row

  if board['7'] == whoJustWent and board ['8'] == whoJustWent and board['9'] == whoJustWent:

    print(f'{whoJustWent} is the WINNER!!!!')

    return True


  #left col

  if board['1'] == whoJustWent and board ['4'] == whoJustWent and board['7'] == whoJustWent:

    print(f'{whoJustWent} is the WINNER!!!!')

    return True

  #mid col

  if board['2'] == whoJustWent and board ['5'] == whoJustWent and board['8'] == whoJustWent:

    print(f'{whoJustWent} is the WINNER!!!!')

    return True

  #right col

  if board['3'] == whoJustWent and board ['6'] == whoJustWent and board['9'] == whoJustWent:

    print(f'{whoJustWent} is the WINNER!!!!')

    return True

  return False

#our title

print('Tic-Tac-Toe \n\n\n')

isThereAWinner = False



currentPlayer = 'X'

while isThereAWinner == False:  

  userMove = input(f'Choose your space {currentPlayer}:')


  theBoard[userMove] = currentPlayer


  isThereAWinner = checkForWinner(theBoard, currentPlayer)

  print(f'winner: {isThereAWinner}')

  if currentPlayer == 'X':

    currentPlayer = 'O'

  elif currentPlayer == 'O':

    currentPlayer = 'X'