Training Philosophies

The focus of BYG is on small-group instruction, skill development, and fun.

We strive to instill real confidence in all of our players, and to foster a deep and lasting love of the game.

Small Group Instruction

We understand the benefits of smaller groups. Each player will get one-on-one instructions from a coach as they move through our on-ice and dry-land stations. More importantly, each player will get the touches and reps required in order to improve.

Skill Development

Developing skills is the main focus of BYG Missoula. Skill development is a layered process. We start with the basics of each skill and teach the mechanics and techniques that once mastered will allow for exponential growth.

It Needs to be Fun

Nothing else matters if the kids aren't having fun. In order to ensure that all players are enjoying themselves, we play close attention to who they are grouped with and make sure that all drills and games foster competition and joy.

Real Confidence

The game of hockey requires a certain bravado. It is a fast paced physical game that challenges you every second you are on the ice. You cannot be timid and be great. While some elite players are arrogant or cocky, that is not what we strive for at BYG Missoula. We work to instill 'Real Confidence.'

Real Confidence is the feeling you have when you know you put in the work required to excel, you have the skills to dominate, and the drive to outwork everyone else on the ice. You trust the process you are going though, and know the results will come.

At BYG Missoula, players will learn that real confidence is the key to their success.

Love of the Game

BYG Missoula fosters love for the game of hockey. Far too many players are pushed into programs that forget they are kids. We are working to create life long players who then pass their love of the game onto others.

BYG seeks to find the balance that ensures that the players do not wear out, yet still get the all-important reps needed to improve. Hockey is the most beautiful game on earth, and that will not be lost as we work to improve. Instead, as they improve and develop, their love of the game will only grow.