Sponsored Staff

Brigham and Women's Hospital has established employment categories for individuals seeking to collaborate or receive training from faculty and lab staff, but not be engaged as a full time employee. The sponsored employment categories are broken out into four categories, each with unique requirements:

Sponsored Employee: Sponsored Employees meet the same definition as "Employee" however, all or part of their salary is paid directly to them by an outside source/third party.


Research fellow with external funding

Graduate students at the medical school on F type grants

Collaborator: Collaborators are employed full-time outside of BWH and are working at BWH under the direction of their primary employer/home institution.

Observer: Observers are purely observing. They do not engage directly in any projects or patient care and are typically only at BWH for a short time.


High school student here to observe lab activities for a period greater than two weeks. Less than two weeks requires no formal paperwork with the hospital

Unpaid Research Trainee: Unpaid trainees are enrolled in a BWH departmental research training program and must be participating exclusively in a closely supervised research based training curriculum. Trainees are at BWH to gain experience and develop relevant skills in a research environment. They are not actively engaged in providing services to BWH, but, rather, are participating here purely for instruction. Trainees do not yet possess the skills to work independently/as a BWH employee. The hospital has strict parameters under which this category can be used due to Department of Labor laws. Please see the institutional policy on unpaid trainees here:


Unpaid students working under a specific training plan.

Students working in the lab while receiving school credit

Exceptions to unpaid status: Unpaid interns may not be paid any money that may be considered a wage (remuneration in recognition of hours worked or services provided). They may be paid an expense stipend to cover "reasonable expenses" directly associated with their involvement at BWH. Expense stipends should generally not exceed $2,500.00 a month.

For more information on sponsored staff, please visit their website at http://www.brighamandwomens.org/about_bwh/volunteer/default.aspx