Do these guys constantly get in your way of a productive day? 

Likes, follows, connections & RSVPs... 

WHO has time for this unless it makes Dollars & sense?

Social Media Security: 

Know when someone is making a mess on your page, attempting to access your page & stop it. 

Incoming Messages: 

All incoming messages will have a fast response, even complicated questions or simple business hours, NO canned response system makes anyone happy, customers want someone real to address their needs. RP Biz Tech covers that!

Creative Content:

RP Biz will work with your business to develop content for your page to keep the page relevant to the social media community and also educate your team on how to do this to make the social media animal more of a tool to help your business tell a story or grab the attention of the social media community. 

Advertising Management:

Now on many social medias you can get the word out even better using paid advertising. RP Biz Tech does not pay for your advertising, but we will manage your advertising budget up to $200 a month with no additional fees.  If you want to work on a larger advertising budget, we still have you covered, just let us know your plans! Also, consider using Adwords Advertising services!

Social Media event page management:

Planning events is difficult, creating a page to get on social media shouldn't be in your way to getting work done. Let us take over your event page creation to make your brand look sharp and attractive so you can get more RSVPs to your event. 

Social Media Integration:

Most businesses have their website listing their social media pages, but many do not have the social media pages stacked so an Instagram post also posts on the Facebook page and the Twitter page. RP Biz Tech will take care of that so when you post, you are really making a post on several of your business's social media accounts which helps to keep potential clients bouncing around in your content and more likely to patronize your business or make a purchase. 

There's a lot of space out there...

You should be reaching for your clients with every tool possible! 






-Google My Business

If you need Social Media Management, contact me at Russ@RussellPalmer.Biz