What we Offer

Daywalks (on and off track)

Weekend outings (basecamps and throughwalks)

Safety & Training

Where do we walk?

Our main region of activity lies between Fraser Island and northern New South Wales, extending west to Sundown National Park and the Bunya Mountains. Occasionally trips will be organised further afield for long weekends and extended holidays. 

In the hotter months, walk leaders concentrate on the rainforest, swimming holes and morning or evening social walks. Harder walks are popular in the cooler months and include many of the peaks in the ranges to the west of Brisbane.

What activities interest you?

We run "Graded Track Walks", "Off-Track Walks" of varying grading and skill level, and most months we offer "Social Walks", "Base Camps" and "Through Walks” or backpacking walks.

The Club offers occasional canoe trips and bike rides.

Attendance on outings normally varies between 10 and 20. 

Walks difficult?

Walks vary in difficulty and cater for a range of abilities and we encourage new members to try a few easier walks before attempting harder walks. 

If an outing is particularly hard, some trip leaders will not accept nominations from new members unless they have attended several previous outings, since it is necessary for leaders to be confident about the abilities of party members.

Safety and Training.

The Club holds regular "Safety and Training" events. 

These provide opportunities for both new and existing members to learn about such topics as navigation, first aid and survival in the bush.  It is important for all members to have some knowledge of these matters. 

We strongly recommend that new members attend at least one S & T event in their first year. 


Insurance for Bushwalkers of Southern Queensland Inc. (BOSQ) members is arranged through the peak body of Australian bushwalking federations, Bushwalking Australia Inc. (BA). There is coverage for both Public Liability and Personal Accident. Club members and visitors are insured while participating in all activities conducted by BOSQ, including survey trips, meetings, social events, and travelling to and from club activities.

The policies can be viewed and downloaded at http://bushwalkingaustralia.org/insurance

Club activities are a co-operative effort, and participants take responsibility for their own safety just as they would on privately organised trips.  All members and visitors take part in activities at their own risk, and need to use care, common sense and judgement.