Outings & Nomination

Outings Nomination procedures.

It is necessary to nominate in advance for walks or trips.  This can be done at meetings, by contacting our Outings Secretary via email at bushwalksq@gmail.com or messaging via our Facebook site.

The usual nomination deadline is the Tuesday night prior to the outing, but earlier nomination is preferred. Nomination deadlines may be brought forward if the trip arrangements are complicated.

New or Potential Members and Guests are asked to come along to our monthly meeting where you can discuss the walk with the Leader and nominate for your preferred walk, or social event.

Existing Members: If you are interested in nominating for a walk or social event please contact the relevant Leader, preferably by the Tuesday night prior to the walk or social.   

Club members are notified by email of any new last minute walks, any change of meeting place/time or walk cancellation.

Medical Conditions.

You should advise the trip leader if you have any special medical conditions which could possibly affect you or others on the outing.  However, acceptance of your nomination for a trip does not imply acceptance of any responsibility by the Club or trip leaders with regard to any medical conditions.

Walk Gradings

Walk Grading.pdf