Occupational Therapy & Physical Therapy

Welcome to OT and PT!

Please bear with us as we figure out how to best meet the needs of our students. We want nothing more than to be at work and to see their smiling faces, but until we are able to be back at school let's try something new and see where it leads us. This is our first attempt ever at creating a website, and like you we are new to distance learning as well. With over 280 OT students, we will do our best to include activities that are helpful for all of their levels. We are open to feedback so please feel free to email your OT with suggestions or even to share a picture of what your child enjoyed. Until we figure out how to best provide occupational therapy services, let's try to do a few activities each day. Narrow it down to a few and then let your child choose. This should be something fun for your child, rather than stressful. You do not need to purchase any materials. Use what you have around the house and let's get creative together. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions! Let's get started!

~Miss Lexi, Miss Linze, Miss Marie, Miss Sara, Miss Sarah, Miss Suzie, and Miss Zelda

***Please be sure to provide adult supervision for all activities shared in this website.

***Resources are included for informational purposes only and the inclusion of a resource is neither an endorsement nor a recommendation by BUSD