Fun Writing Prompts

For my older students, let's have a little fun! Spend some time writing about creative things you did during your day or new things that you tried over Spring Break! My daughter celebrated her 7th birthday and wanted to make peppermint ice cream. It turned out delicious! My boys have been playing Minecraft, LEGO, practicing their instruments, and doing a lot of soccer drills. I learned how to play "Spot It" and we also drew some colorful pictures on our sidewalk. If you would like, have your parent send me your writing or a topic idea and I will add it to my page! Please make sure to take your time and do your best writing. Don't forget to use finger spaces, make sure your letters bump the line (unless they are diver letters), and remember where we start our letters!

Harry Potter

Have you been listening to Dr. Eaton read Harry Potter every morning? If so what are your favorite parts of the story? Mrs. Jeffrey at Brentwood Elementary made these great pages to go along with the story so check them out!

Exclamation Mark

This is a great story that Mrs. Jeffrey shared with me. Watch the story read on YouTube and then answer a few of the questions below.

  • Is there anything about you that stands out?

  • Who would you prefer to be more like and why?

  • What is something you've done that you thought you couldn't do?

  • How will you make your mark on the world?