Services & Gallery

Orthodontic Section

Correction of "Bucky" Teeth with orthodontics and risk reduction of traumatic injury to front teeth. Our patient knocked her front teeth twice in a matter of 10 days and was lucky not to lose them. After some healing time, we performed some initial alignment to improve the angulation and prominence of the teeth and hopefully reduce the chance of further injury

Orthodontic treatment to resolve ectopic upper canine tooth. We achieve a great result and treatment included upper jaw expansion and removal of 2nd premolars. Note the removal of the 2nd premolars has now spared the patient of wisdom teeth removal.

Orthodontics for a 40 year old male using porcelain and metal brackets.

Before & After

Ceramic Brackets on the top teeth are a more discrete option

Traditional metal brackets on lower teeth

15 months of treatment resulted in a nice end result.

Orthodontics & Build ups for a 45 year male suffering from accelerated wear

Note the wear on the inside surface of our patients front teeth.

Orthodontics & Porcelain Veneers