
The Point in Time Count or PIT Count is a one day census count of all persons experiencing homelessness in the community. The PIT Count has two components, the sheltered component counts persons sleeping in homeless shelters and the unsheltered portion counts people sleeping outdoors or in places not meant for human habitation. The PIT Count occurs annually in Durham and simultaneously in over 400 other communities across the United States in late January. PIT Counts began in the late 1990’s and have become more organized and well coordinated over the years.

The Department of Housing & Urban Development, often referred to as HUD, requires communities to complete the PIT Count each year and the count is required as part of the funding allocation from HUD. The PIT Count helps us better understand the characteristics and extent of homelessness. This helps us do a better job with strategically allocating limited housing resources where they will have the greatest impact. The PIT count is also an opportunity for us to engage and educate the broader community about homelessness.


6-Bull City Fresh Start-Count.pdf
1-Bull City Fresh Start-Mobile App-Download & Install.pdf
2-Bull City Fresh Start-Mobile App-Overview & Purpose.pdf
3-Bull City Fresh Start-Mobile App-Observation Only.pdf
4-Bull City Fresh Start-Mobile App-Direct Face to Face Interview.pdf