Building STEM attitudes and ethics

Over the years, I have observed as an educator that the burden of completing the portion is foremost on the mind of every educator and this takes away at times, the pleasure of teaching and learning. The time to go slow, know the learners, and build a bond with them is lost in the journey of classroom portion, assessments, assignments, and documentation. 

I truly empathize but at the same time, the onus of nurturing the new generation toward building new knowledge, skills, and attitudes is our responsibility. We will have to work SMART [Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Measurable]. 

This means our thinking will undergo changes. Our new mantra has to be, 'Enhance the diffused mode of thinking in students to build the focused mode'. In the focused mode, students are paying attention. They turn their brains 'ON' and get the learning process initiated. In the classrooms, our students are expected to pay attention but some could be doodling, some daydreaming, and some talking. At that time, their mind is relaxed and free and they are in a diffused mode which helps them make imaginative connections between the ideas shared by the educator in class.  This minor break helps their minds to wire up again and concentrate. 

To build STEM thinking, we need both modes to function efficiently. We want them to see connections in the classroom concepts to daily life events, activities, and phenomena. In the diffused mode, when they are engaged in daily fun activities like drawing, painting, meditating, sleeping, jogging, walking, and listening to music, subconsciously they should be subconsciously building connections between the STEM concepts and the activities helping them enjoy the moment. 

While jogging, note the body changes like changes in breathing pattern, amount of oxygen drawn in, dopamine levels raised, calories burned, digestion impact and so much more. 

Only when they see STEM everywhere ingrained so intricately in their lives, will they appreciate the significance of STEM learning. We need our students to be problem solvers and think critically. We want them to ask for evidence to validate whether the statement is a fact or fiction. We want them to be decision-makers making judgments based on facts and data. Starting early will also help bridge the STEM gender divide which is so prevalent today. As per World Economic Forum 2022, in 2022, the global gender gap has been closed by 68.1%. At the current rate of progress, it will take 132 years to reach full parity. 

We need more women in STEM and the only way is to build confidence and self-esteem in girls that STEM is for everyone and the attitude has to be 'Yes, we can!!!'. 


STEM Integration at SVKM's CNM School. The curriculum is designed to impart STEM education with a deep focus on creating equity and equality for girls to take up STEM choices in the future. This progressive attitude toward STEM Education for all students is mandatory. 
