Creation of variety of assessments to evaluate STEM competencies

The Rigor/Relevance tool is developed by the International Center for Leadership in Education to examine curriculum, instruction, and assessment. It speaks of two continuums. The vertical axis is the Thinking continuum speaking of how we acquire knowledge moving from Awareness to Evaluation using Bloom's taxonomy. 

The horizontal axis is the action continuum designed by Willard Daggett known as the Application Model.  In this, we apply the knowledge from one discipline to finally knowledge of real-world unpredictable situations. 

In STEM education, our students garner knowledge of STEM knowledge, skills, and attitudes through their classroom teaching. 

In our assessments, we need to categorize whether the questions asked and the responses received fall into the 'Acquisition', 'Assimilation', 'Application,' or 'Adaptation' quadrant. 

An example of the types of questions to be posed to the students is shared below. The teachers will design questions that cater to all four quadrants so that every student is empowered to think horizontally and vertically. 

The responses of the students will be measured based on a rubric or a mark scheme designed well in advance and shared with the students. 


You have to design a lesson plan to build STEM Competencies in students. The lesson plan format has been shared in the link below along with the rubric and checklist. 

The lesson plan could be a STEM topic currently taught in class or part of the school syllabus or a general topic that can include STEM concepts. For ex., the general topic could be 'Air Pollution', and a lesson could be built around it using case studies, experiments, and analysis of air quality across cities and countries. 

Lesson Plan.docx


View the lesson plan template shared in the link and design your own STEM lesson plan. 

Please find the link to the rubric and checklist to assess the lesson plan.  

For candidates wishing to have their lesson plan assessed, please use the registration link