Build Sex Positivity

a one-stop shop for all that sex education doesn't teach people with uteruses

Sex Positivity

the idea that people should have space to embody, explore, and learn about their sexuality and gender without judgment or shame

to celebrate the erotic, to feel motivated by satisfaction rather than by guilt and suffering is a radical reframe for many women [2]

better understand your own body

better understand how your body functions intimately

read about others women's sexual experiences

The expression of women’s sexuality is often controlled by the institutions that surround us, such as our educational system. During the last half of the 2000s, the United States has spent about half a billion dollars on abstinence-only programs, many of them in schools that offer ‘abstinence until marriage’ as the only acceptable approach to preventing unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Although it can be quite helpful for young women to learn how to ‘SAY NO’ to sex they don’t really want or aren’t ready for, there is little value in reams of fear-based ‘educational’ literature that never acknowledges even the possibility of safer sexual relationships. Fear-based literature also fails to inform women how erotic touch can express both tenderness and love for one’s partner as well as one’s self. Educating women, and the men who care about us, to honor the wholeness of our sexual beings, and to be able to enjoy sex without guilt, are core messages of this project. [2] 


About the Creator

Hello! Welcome to my Women's and Gender Studies Practicum! 

My name is Hannah Skarstad, and I identify as a cisgender female. I am a senior at Drake University studying Computer Science and English, along with Women's and Gender Studies and Data Analytics. 

I approached my advisor with the idea for this website in the Spring of 2022. I wanted to create a knowledge hub for women to explore their bodies and sensuality. While researching this topic, I was able to learn more about myself & step into my own body. I hope that the information provided helps you start or further your own journey of self-discovery. 


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