A 2016 Ted Talk described how boys were raised to be brave; girls were raised to be perfect. Build Brave Girls is determined to change this mindset and inspire girls to be brave and take bold risks. Build Brave Girls influences this mindset by providing an extensive, varied network of resources that give girls the opportunity to explore STEM-based careers. It inspires and encourages girls to join robotics by providing them with outstanding role models of girls who have already found their place in robotics. Ultimately, Build Brave Girls believes that, through support and recognition, the unrealistic standard of perfection can be replaced by a supportive standard of curiosity that allows girls to explore their interests and challenge their minds.
Build Brave Girls was founded by Hallie Richardson. She was a member and is now a mentor for team 4188. She created the program in conjunction with past safety captain Skyla Brooks. The two of them recognizes a shortage in the number of girls pursuing careers in STEAM. To inspire girls to take an interest in these careers Hallie worked to create Build Brave Girls. This program is completely focused on helping, recognizing, and inspiring girls into STEAM fields. It works to build female engineers now and for years to come.
Build Brave Girls is extremely thankful to say it has had a number of past successes. Firstly, team 4188, the team that founded this program, has 40% female members with 70% of leadership in the past three years have been females. Build Brave Girls uses this as a example of what we a trying to do and how it is truly possible. Another example of the success Build Brave Girls has is through the Japaneses team that 4188 mentors and brought Build Brave Girls to. They went from zero females on their team, with relatively close minded views, to half of their team being female and the group as a whole adopting more accepting views. Furthermore, Build Brave Girls works closely with FRC team 1902 and the #FIRSTLikeAGirlProgram to recognizes brave girls and inspire others to be brave.