BUETAAA Summer Picnic 2023
July 29, 2023
BUETAAA organized summer picnic at the Sir Wilfrid Laurier Park, on July 29. Over 130 people attended the picnic. It was a fun filled day in the sun in a beautiful landscape; an eventful day with delicious food, activities for all and of course our famous adda! There were snacks, lunch, and desserts throughout the day. We also organized games and activities for the participants of all ages. Many members joined the event with their friends and families, many of you came out of Edmonton and as far as Fort McMurray, we were so happy to see you. Your presence and happy face made our hard work paid off. BUETAAA EC thanks all participants who joined us and made the event a huge success.
We extend our special thanks to:
Wade Consulting as the Title Sponsor of the picnic.
Din Mohammad Vai and Nissan for cooking the delicious food.
MR Engineering/ACI Homes for the gifts for the kids.