Buttonwood Sound club
A Private Club
Buttonwood Sound Club is a private Club, organized for the purpose of promoting the health, comforts, and conveniences of the membership while utilizing the amenities of the Club.
Please be prepared to show your key when requested.
ANNOUNCING: "the NEW DOCK AND BOAT RAMP are now completed".
Membership requires proof of property ownership or a signed rental agreement in the Key Largo Park Sub Division and the payment of annual dues. Current dues are $360.00/year for beach and boat ramp access or $250.00/year for beach access only. Keys are good per calendar year, with new keys being distributed beginning in January of each year. If you are unable to attend the January meeting, you can apply for keys at any subsequent Buttonwood Sound Club regular meeting, the third Saturday of the month. You are REQUIRED to read and comply with Club Rules and regulations to remain a member in good standing. Please see the Membership & Reservation page for more detailed information and specific instructions.
General meetings are held on the third Saturday of each month at 10:00 am, at the Club Chickee Hut. All members are invited to attend. Minutes and agenda are posted to the Club bulletin board.
Members wishing to make a reservation to use the Chickee Hut for a private event should send their request to BSC33037@gmail.com. The reservation request needs to contain the requesting member's name, contact phone number, date and time of the occasion, and number of guests. Reservations must be made no less than 14 days prior to the occasion for approval. Reservations will not be accepted for less than 10 individuals or more than 50 individuals.
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Buttonwood Sound Club
P.O. Box 370235
Key Largo, FL 33037