I am ATER (post-doc position with teaching duties) at the Toulouse Mathematics Institute. Prior to December 2024, I was a Ph.D. students under the Joint supervision of Thomas Dedieu (Toulouse Mathematics Institute) and Andreas Höring (Laboratoire J.-A. Dieudonné, Nice).
I have been gravitating towards complex Algebraic Geometry since the beginning of my Ph.D. program. More specifically, my work is centered around the notion of extendability and the study of K3 surfaces which are hypersurfaces in weighted projective spaces, as well as the Mori contractions of submaximal length and their birational models.
My CV.
Mail: bruno.dewer_AT_math.univ-toulouse.fr - bruno.dewer_AT_gmail.com
Papers and Preprints:
Extensions of Gorenstein weighted projective 3-spaces and characterization of the primitive curves of their surface sections. Mathematische Zeitschrift vol. 309, n°60 (2025).