Our Mission

Brooks PTA is a partnership between parents, teachers and Brooks staff.  Our mission is to work together to provide quality, educational programs, community service based projects and social events, to help enrich our student's experience at Brooks.  


Brooks PTA is a 501(c)(3) organization and your donations are often matched by your employer. Please check your employer requirements and see if your donations can make a double impact for Brooks through your employer match!

PTA - Call to Action

As we look ahead to the New Year, we have several opportunities to help with upcoming events. We will also be looking ahead to fill future opportunities on our PTA Executive board, but also our committee positions. Please complete the survey at the link below if you have interest in supporting our events in any way and please let us know if you have any interest in participating as a PTA board member next school year.

Please review all questions in the survey and mark any areas where you would like to help now or in the future. We will reach out with more details as we begin to form our committees, plan our events and are in need of various types of volunteers.