Design Thinking Study Abroad 

Interest in Study Abroad Program 

I am double majoring in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences and Digital Media. I want to create animations for kids and people with disabilities or incorporate it into my therapy. I want to change the world in a positive way by standing up for others, being kind to those I interact with, and remaining open to change as my life goes on. I hope for the future to be a game designer/animator and help people with communication disorders or other groups in need. I am very excited to visit both the UK and Germany and learn about the design, history, and environmental practices of a place different than where I am from. In addition, as a future speech pathologist, there is a discussion about being culturally aware of populations different than mainstream English. I am excited to use my exposure to different countries in my future practice with individuals from different cultures. Furthermore, to develop an increased awareness of accessibility for varying populations in my digital media projects.