Final Program Reflections 

General Reflection (to be completed by everyone)

Being back in America feels odd because my sleep and eat schedules are out of synch. I feel as though I have gained a new perspective of America from the  aspects of the county I have missed. I missed my friends and the familiarity of my surroundings after being in UK and Germany for a month. I missed the restaurants and the ability to get in my car and go where I desire. London was my favorite city to explore and I would visit again. The transit in this country was reliable, but I found Germany's transit system to be intertwined and confusing. 

Design Thinking Reflection (complete if in Jamie's class)

Design Thinking can contribute to identifying and/or addressing issues of sustainability by working through the Five-Step Process (Discover, Define, Ideate, Test, Evolve) to address environmental issues. For example, in class we utilized the Five-Step Process to address increasing compost use. The personal observations I have identified from Harlaxton, London, and Munich include increasing transit in American cities, enacting more sustainable practices for food production, and decreasing reliance on cars to get from one place to another. These issues can be addressed by utilizing the Five-Step Process and arriving at potential solutions which can be enacted in America.