Design Thinking

Grocery Store Observation 


·   Locate the beverage aisle:

o   What types of beverages are there? Colas? Sport drinks? Vitamin drinks?

There are many different beverages in the aisles. This includes colas (Pepsi, Sunkist, Root Beer), sports drinks (Gatorade), vitamin drinks (propel, vitamin water), bottled water (pure life, ice mountain), and energy drinks (gfuel, monster).

o   How many brands of each type do you see? (estimate)

There are many different brands of each type. I estimate around 10-15 different colas, 3-7 different sports drinks, vitamin drinks, bottled water, and energy drinks.

o   What quantity of each brand is on shelf? (estimate)

Colas: Pepsi- 100, Sunkist- 80, Root Beer- 70; Sports Drinks: Gatorade- 200; Vitamin Drinks: Propel, Vitamin Water- 100 each; Bottled Water: Pure life, Ice Mountain: 300 each; Energy Drinks: Monster: 100 GFuel: 40

o   How are the beverages packaged? Cans? Plastic bottles? Cardboard?

The beverages are packed in various ways. Colas are packaged in cans, plastic bottles, cardboard boxes, glass bottles, sport drinks, vitamin drinks and bottled water in plastic bottles and plastic bottles wrapped in plastic, and energy drinks in singular cans and cardboard boxes.

o   Take pictures (phone camera is fine)

·       Try to walk to the next closest store... you don’t need to get all the way there:


o   How would you get there?

To get to the nearest store I walk through a parking lot.

o   Is there a sidewalk?

There is no sidewalk.

o   Do you go through a parking lot?


How long will it take?

Takes 30 seconds.

o   Take pictures (phone camera is fine)

Journey Map 

Nottingham Observations 

Nottingham Observations

MAKE observations (pick one):

1.    Reducing single-use hot drink (coffee) cups – How are Nottingham coffee shops addressing this challenge?
Offering reusable cup? Yes, reusable coffee cups.
Extra charge for disposable cup? No, extra charge for disposable cups.
Option of bring your own cup? No, option to bring own cup.
Other ___________________

GO observations (do both):

1.    Assisting mobility (walking & biking) – How is Nottingham designed to assist pedestrians and bicycles?
Signals? Yes, many signals on the street for pedestrians and bicycles.
Signage? Yes, there is much signage on the street for pedestrians and bicycles.
Crosswalks and lanes Yes, there are many crosswalks and lanes for pedestrians and bicycles.
Other ___________________

2. Assisting navigation (buses) – How is Nottingham’s transit system designed to help users get from place to place?
Maps before boarding and/or on board? Yes, there are maps on board and before boarding the bus.
Signage (words and pictures/symbols) at the stop and/or on board? Yes, there is signage with symbols at the stop and before boarding the bus.
Color-coding and/or numbering of buses, routes? Yes, there is color-coding and numbering of buses and routes before boarding the bus.

Announcements? I did not observe announcements because it was busy and loud, but there may be announcement before boarding the bus.
How did you know where you were going and what to do? I knew where to go and what to do based upon the detailed signage and our group’s collective effort to navigate the system.

LIVE observations (You will be assigned The Meadows or The Park)

1. Historic Housing Estates - How is housing designed and constructed for different groups/social classes? The housing at The Park is juxtaposed by newer housing and older housing for different social classes and groups.
Size, design, layout of housing? The newer housing is painted white and on top of a hill. The older housing is in an alleyway tucked away from the road.
Greenspace within community? There is greenspace in the middle of the neighborhood but there is a lock to get in.
Visual cues for resident demographics? I did not find a visual cue for resident demographics.
Access to transit, other mobility options? There is access to transit and other mobility options.

Crazy 8s Brainstorming