Sports and a Modern World

A Changing World

Over the years, the world has become a much different place than it was when the Olympic Games were first played in Ancient Greece. In a modern world, we have also changed the way we view the world of sports.

  • Professional athletes have discovered the ability to use their 'positions of power' to help call attention to social and political issues.

  • Advancements in technology and mindsets have helped to shape how we approach athletics in amateur and professional leagues.

Naturally, the world will continue to evolve. These societal changes will continue to affect the world of sports. However, no matter how much the world changes, the impact of sports on the lives of athletes and sports community members will remain constant. It is impossible to deny that despite societal changes, sports have always and will always have a significant impact on our lives.

Before working through the module, watch these videos on how athletes have used their voices.

Professional and amateur athletes have called for support regarding political and social issues.

Canadian Sports

Canada is one of the top countries for sports excellence. To have built up such a reputation, Canadians have always embraced sports. No matter where we are located in the country or what season it is, Canadians continue to participate in sports.

What to do...

Please work your way through the slideshow below. There are work points indicated throughout the presentation that you are expected to complete and submit.

Once you have worked your way through the presentation, there is an assignment to complete before continuing to Module 8.

Sports and a Modern World

Once you have completed and submitted all of the tasks outlined in the slideshow presentation, you can continue to Module 8.