Honors Program Capstone Portfolio


         My name is Brittney Kuklis, and I am a senior at Minot State University. In May of 2024, I will be graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting with a minor in Management Information Systems, and a concentration in Honors. Upon graduation, I plan to work full-time at Brady Martz & Associates, P.C. to gain public accounting experience. Since January 2023, I have been working as an intern and found that this is the best path for me to learn what fields I like the most. After I feel I have gained enough knowledge of what I want to pursue, I plan to find a job in a private company with a more focused path. I chose accounting as a career because I have always been fascinated by numbers and computers from a very young age. My other favorite aspect of accounting is that it is a wide-ranging and fluctuating career.

         The Honors Program has taught me ideas and skills I never would have learned in my normal career path. I decided to pursue an Honors concentration because, during high school, I was always trying to push myself beyond my comfort zone and I wanted to continue that in university. This program has given me the opportunities and resources I need to gain personal, academic, and relational growth. I am grateful for the experiences I received from the Honors Program.

         This portfolio will showcase my four-year journey throughout the Honors Program. It will be divided into the four goals I achieved: critical thinking, community awareness and involvement, communication, and cultural diversity. These achievements will be explained through previous class artifacts. I believe the experiences and knowledge I gained in the Honors Program will assist me in my career and make me a better community member. I hope to continue pushing myself out of my comfort zone even after I graduate from Minot State University.

Cooking for HON  251H

Here I am cooking green beans with my classmate, Aleta Gamble. We were practicing for our final meal in the class.

Flag Raising for Pride Club

Every fall semester, Pride Club raises a pride flag in the quad on campus.

Professional Portrait

MSU offered free professional portraits, and I had to jump at the opportunity.