Goal 4

Goal 4: Engage with diverse perspectives in order to cultivate cultural competence and an appreciation of differences.

         Culture is one of the most important traits an individual can have. Not all people celebrate or acknowledge their culture, my family being on the lesser side. Although, I do think it is an important topic that can bring people together. Diversity is important for growth and change. I chose three artifacts that demonstrate how the Honors Program allowed me to branch outside of my own culture and analyze and discuss others.

Outcome 1: Analyze current and historical international issues and aspects of global culture.

         My first artifact is my final essay (reading responses) from HON 351H, Integrity and the Examined Life. For this assignment, we were assigned movies and books and given questions to answer for our final. The topics ranged from racism, social justice, and religion. I was able to respectfully analyze and critique these topics along with my classmates in a safe environment. I plan to use these skills in my future career and personal life. I enjoy discussing current events and history and what should be changed for the future. My favorite way is a respectful debate or writing because we can lay out our thoughts and opinions and share it with diverse groups of people.

HON 351H_Final Essay.pdf

Outcome 3: Collaborate actively with diverse local and global partners.

         My second artifact for goal four is my group project business letter from BUS 495, Seminars in Leadership Development (substitute class for HON 391H). In this class, we created groups, and each decided on an issue in the community we wanted to help solve. Our goal was to collaborate with local businesses to get as many supplies as possible to the Sunnyside Elementary School students. I created a business letter to send to about 30 local businesses. We received about ten responses and eventually decided on two businesses to put boxes at, and a couple others we worked out a different money fundraiser. This project took me out into the community to find others who are also interested in helping those in need. Our responses were diverse in locations and donors. It was amazing to see the difference four college students can make in a small community. I learned better business communication skills which will definitely come in handy in my future career. I got better at advertising, writing business letters, and talking professionally over the phone and email.

Outcome 4: Appraise issues from multiple viewpoints.

         My last artifact is a journal from HON 252H, Visionaries of the Past. As the artifact demonstrates, the assignment was to watch a movie and read an essay and compare and contrast the themes. Prior to the assignment, I thought it was very strange, because these two seemed to have nothing in common. I was able to look deeper and find the issue in both these works of art: men not knowing where they belong. Once I found the connection, it was a very fun essay to write. I think this is a very important tool to obtain as an individual. I learned how to look deeper, find connections, and see an issue from different angles. I hope to approach life by looking at multiple viewpoints rather than in a concentrated sample.

HON 252H_Journal 8_Expression.pdf


         In conclusion, the Honors Program provided a safe and respectful environment for me to engage with diverse perspectives in order to cultivate cultural competence and an appreciation of differences. This was one of my favorite skills to develop in my courses because it was all about human interaction and a lot of opinions. I plan to continue using this mindset in my future and hope to cultivate a higher appreciation as I get older.