
         The Honors Program courses have allowed me to cultivate my skills and knowledge in a safe and encouraging environment. I was able to expand my critical thinking, community awareness, communication, and cultural competence with each course I took. I enjoyed attending each and every class because I was able to leave my comfort zone and experience new ideas and cultures. I enjoyed participating in discussions with individuals from different majors, backgrounds, and cultures. Every assignment was carefully crafted for me to obtain these results, and for that I am thankful.

         I feel that each course I finished was an accomplishment in itself. Every course was such a different and new experience that I was able to learn so much from a single semester. I believe one of my biggest strengths I was able to refine in the Honors Program was written and verbal communication. Seeing the growth in my artifacts over the past four years has made me realize how much I have learned and changed. This is a very important skill to have as an individual and one I plan to continue to refine.

         I will forever be grateful for the experiences and knowledge I gained because of the Honors Program. Everything I learned from these classes will help me excel in the future, whether it be in the professional or personal sense. Everyone I met in this program will also stay with me and help guide me to be a better version of myself.