Goal 1

Goal 1: Think critically, reflectively, and independently.

         One of the most talked about topics in all of my classes at Minot State University is critical thinking. Every employer is searching for individuals with this ability. Along with critical thinking, independence and reflection are great skills to have as well. It can completely propel a person’s knowledge even further than just basic learning skills can. Below are the four outcomes that helped me achieve goal 1 as well as artifacts that help demonstrate how I achieved those outcomes.

Outcome 1: Design self-created learning experiences that have clearly articulated goals.

         My first artifact is my Leadership Involvement Experience goals statement from HON 250H, Foundations of Leadership. This assignment guided me through making my own goals by outlining a plan for how I was going to achieve them. I was given the opportunity to self-create a learning experience with very limited direction. Normally I would find this nerve-wracking, but the goals statement shows that I was able to break it down into chunks so it wouldn’t be as overwhelming. Typically, I get very overwhelmed with big projects, but this assignment gave me the tools to slow down and contemplate before diving headfirst. Because I was able to break it down in smaller goals and action steps, I was able to achieve more even though I couldn’t achieve everything. This process allowed me to realize that even achieving the action steps towards a goal is a win to celebrate. I am able to use what this assignment taught me in my day-to-day life whenever I feel overwhelmed. I start by writing everything that I need to complete and then break it down by action steps. This gives me a clear goal and plan and makes it so much easier to start on a task.

Outcome 1_Goals Statement.pdf

Outcome 2: Analyze problems/situations to formulate informed opinions, conclusions, or solutions.

         My second artifact is my Group Problem-Solving Presentation from HON 264H, Thinking Outside the Box. Within this presentation, I identified and analyzed a problem on the Minot State University campus. I then determined a solution and explained how the solution could be implemented. Creating this presentation, I conducted a survey and researched the creation of mobile applications. This was a positive experience because I was able to formulate an informed solution from my analysis. This experience taught me all about forming my own opinions and solutions to actual real world problems. In accounting, sometimes things aren’t always black and white and we have to research what laws and regulations apply. This experience can greatly benefit me in the future of my career. I will continue to analyze problems and formulate my own opinion and conclusion based on what I found.

Outcome 2_Group Problem Solving.pdf

Outcome 3: Interpret texts from various disciplines.

         My third artifact is my Book Review from HON 191H, The Honors Community. This is a book I never would have picked up had it not been assigned in class, and even if I had, I might never have finished it. As demonstrated by the artifact, I didn’t fully agree with the author of the book and even had some notes disagreeing with the theme of the book. Despite it not being my favorite book, I enjoyed reading it and seeing life from another perspective. This assignment gave me the means to go outside of my comfort zone to see how others lived and their whys. I think I developed a more realistic and less pessimistic approach to life. It expanded my view of “must” and “should.” I was able to identify that individuals must define these terms for their own selves; it’s not one-size-fits-all. I find this inspiring for my future because it’s helpful for me to step outside of myself and interpret what others believe.

Outcome 3_Book Review.pdf

Outcome 4: Conduct independent and ethical research.

         My last artifact is my Ethical Dilemma Project and Presentation from HON 250H. For this assignment I was tasked to research a topic of my choosing and explain the ethical dilemma. I chose universal healthcare because I have always believed that healthcare is a fundamental right that every human should have. Despite my opinion not changing from my research, it expanded my view and understanding of the ethical dilemma. It showed me that not everything is black and white. Just because I believe it’s a human right to have healthcare, it’s not as easy as snapping your fingers and stopping bills from coming. It will change many jobs and take years to implement it properly. This assignment pushed me to open my mind to other possibilities and opinions. I hope I will continue to use these skills throughout my life. It is important to be openminded and approachable even if you don’t agree with someone.

Outcome 4_Ethical Dilemma.pdf


         In conclusion, each of these artifacts have engaged me to think critically, reflectively, and independently in each of my honors courses and beyond to achieve this goal. I was able to analyze, interpret, and conduct research on many different matters while self-creating some of my own learning experiences.  I was given the necessary tools and assistance needed to achieve these outcomes.