
Research Talks

Neural Decoding with Simplicial Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks

Simplicial Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Spike Train Decoding

Simplicial Convolutional Layers for Decoding Head Direction and Grid Cell Data

Internal Navigation and Topological Data Analysis

Anomalous Bird Song Detection

Bayesian Topological Signal Processing

Zigzag persistence and space networking 

Molecular configurations and persistence: Branched alkanes and additive energies 

Zigzag persistence of to extract non-linear statistics from optical flow 

Applications of Cellular Sheaf Theory to Skywave Signal Propagation 

Generic support vector machines and Radon's theorem 

Expository and Department Talks

An overview of some Army Research Lab/ University of Tennessee Knoxville internal navigation projects

What is Topological Data Analysis and what can it be used for?

What in the world is sublevelset persistence and how does it relate to sandstone, chemistry, and space networks?