
Monday 15 April

All talks are in the conference room OCW017 (ground floor of Ogden Centre West)

Talks are 20 minutes with 5 minutes questions & answers.

09:00-09:40 Registration

09:40-09:45 Welcome

09:45-10:10 Fasiello: Primordial gravitational waves as a probe of the inflationary particle content

10:10-10:35 d'Emilio: The effects of mass distribution assumptions on BBH population inference

10:35-11:00 Mandhai: Constraining the local population of faint short duration GRBs

11:00-11:30 Coffee break (first floor common area of OCW)

11:30-11:55 Balakumar: Hadamard renormalisation for charged scalar fields

11:55-12:20 Schmieding: Quantum linearisation instability conditions in supergravity on a 3-Torus

12:20-12:45 James: Development of a new photodetector for Advanced LIGO

12:45-14:15 Lunch

14:15-14:40 O'toole: Time domain method for the Green function in Schwarzschild spacetime

14:40-15:05 Heffernan: Regularisation of the self-force for generic orbits in Kerr spacetime

15:05-15:30 Morley: Do boundary conditions affect vacuum polarisation?

15:30-16:00 Coffee break (first floor common area of OCW)

16:00-16:25 Reina: First order perturbations of general hypersurfaces and applications

16:25-16:50 Bourg: Critical collapse of perfect fluid in 3+1

16:50-17:15 Hoy: Exploring the measurability of precession

17:15-17:40 Peach: Emergent Dark Gravity from Non-Holographic Screens

Tuesday 16 April

All talks are in the conference room OCW017 (ground floor of Ogden Centre West)

09:00-09:25 Mitchell: Modelling the concentration of haloes in modified gravity

09:25-09:50 Tamosiunas: Testing gravity on galaxy cluster scales

09:50-10:15 Wright: Investigating the degeneracy between modified gravity and massive neutrinos with redshift space distortions

10:15-10:40 Xia: Constraints on Hu-Sawicki f(R) gravity from cluster number counts

10:40-11:10 Coffee break (first floor common area of OCW)

11:10-11:35 Karamitsos: Inflation and quintessence beyond the poles in attractor models

11:35-12:00 Finn: Shedding light on the initial conditions of inflation with the Eisenhart lift

12:00-12:25 Manuel: Black holes seeding cosmological phase transitions

12:25-12:50 Drew: Radiation from global Topological strings using adaptive mesh refinement

12:50-14:20 Lunch

14:20-14:45 Kenna-Allison: Questioning the viability of bigravity cosmology

14:45-15:10 Melville: Improving IR parameter estimation using UV consistency

15:10-15:35 Cataneo: Modelling nonlinearities beyond vanilla LCDM

15:35-16:00 Giblin: Accurate nonlinear calibration in cosmologies beyond LCDM

16:00-16:30 Coffee break (first floor common area of OCW)