Selection Criteria
Local Wildlife Sites
Local Wildlife Sites and 'City Wildlife'
In March and April 2013 there was a public consultation over Local Wildlife Sites selection. Local Groups, naturalists and individuls contributed to the three workshops held and 116 LWSs were agreed from a list of about 250 suggested sites (named below).
The County Ecologist reviewed this list of agreed sites, without wider consultation, and deleted half of them at a click of a mouse! This was five years later. No site surveys had been carried out in the meantime. Now, only 52 LWSs remain according to the BHCC City Plan. The decline in our Council's interest for biodiversity since 2013 can be seen on the 'City Wildlife Page' link ( ) The Council did not attempt to maintain the web domain, let alone the original consultation and site selection data.
Proposed LWS [April 2013 workshops and selection consultations, with site names used by BHCC]
Abinger Road
Abinger Road Paddock
Alexandra Court REJECTED
Argyle Road (Copse)
Balsdean Down
Balsdean Down East
Balsdean Downland North
Basin Road South
Bazehil Road Reservoir REJECTED
Beach at Black Rock
Beaufort Terrace
Benfield Valley Central
Benfield Valley South
Bevendean Farm Slope
Bevendean Horse Paddocks
Black Lion Copse REJECTED
Braeside Avenue (Scrub) REJECTED
Bramble Rise REJECTED
Brighton Marina
Brighton Station North
Brighton Station South
Brown Loaf Farm REJECTED
Burstead Woods
Cardinal Newman School
Casterbridge Farm
Cemeteries off Bear Road
Cliff Corner
Cliff Road Paddock
Cockroost Hill East
Cockroost Hill West
Coldean Lane Slopes
Coombe Meadow
Copse at Woodingdean Cemetery
Crescent Drive North
Crespin Way (Copse)
Deep Bottom & The Chattri
Ditchling Road (was named: 'Ditchling Road SW' = Woodbourne Meadows)
Dorothy Stringer (Wildlife Area)
Dyke Road Strip
Dyke Trail
Dyke Trail South REJECTED
East Brighton Golf Course
Elmore Road
Elmore Road Scrub REJECTED
Emaeus Gardens & St Nicholas
Engineerium Grounds (Renamed to: Hove Park Reservoir and The Engineerium Grounds)
Ewe Bottom
Falmer Hill
Field East of Woodingdean
Field off Ravenswood Drive
Foredown Allotments
Green Ridge & Coney Woods
Happy Valley Downland
Heath Hill Down
High Hill
Highcroft Villas
Hodshrove Wood
Hogtrough Bottom
Hollingbury Industrial Estate
Hollingbury (Park) Golf Course
Hollingbury Wood
Hove Park Reservoir and The Engineerium Grounds
Howard Terrace Slopes REJECTED
Land at 54 Crescent Drive North REJECTED (but note similar name above)
Land at Bexhill Road
Land at Coldean Lane
Land at Sea-Saw Way
Land off Ashurst Road
London Road Station
Long Hill
Lots Pond to The Ridge, Stanmer
Loxdale Centre REJECTED
Maderia Drive Green Wall (renamed to: Wall Behind Madeira Drive)
Meadow Vale Paddocks REJECTED
Mile Oak Farm REJECTED
Mile Oak Farm Bank REJECTED
Mile Oak Farm Earthwork REJECTED
Mile Oak Fields
Mill View Hospital REJECTED
Millers Road REJECTED
Mount Pleasant
New Barn Farm
New Barn Farm Slope
North Benfield Valley
North Bevendean Down
Oak Close (Copse) REJECTED
Old Cottage Paddocks
Ovingdean Church to Cattle Hill
Ovingdean Copse REJECTED
Ovingdean Hall
Park Royal & High School (Woods)
Parkmore Terrace Railside
Patcham Court Farm REJECTED
Patcham Court Field
Portslade North Slope REJECTED
Preston Twins REJECTED
Redhill Sports Ground
Roedean School Slope
Rottingdean Pond
Round Hill North
Round Hill South
Roundhill Copse
Saltdean Chalk Pit
Saltdean (Down)
Saltdean Vale
Scrub at Mill Road (Hill) Roundabout REJECTED
Scrub East of Woodingdean
Sheepcote Valley North
Sheepcote Valley (South
Sidehill Scrub
South Bevendean Down
Southwick Hill East
St Andrew's Old Church REJECTED
St Helens Churchyard
St Leonards Churchyard
Standean Cottage
Standean Cottage Down
Stanmer Park East
Stanmer Park North
Stanmer Park South
Station Road
Stevenson Road (Quarry)
Surrenden Crescent & Surrenden Road
Surrenden Field (Copse)
Sweet Hill Scrub
Sweet Hill West
The Engineerium (Renamed to: Hove Park Reservoir and The Engineerium Grounds)
Three Cornered Copse
Toad's Hole Valley (note: 'valley should be treated as if designated')
Toad's Hole Valley - West Slope
Tongdean Rise REJECTED
Volks Railway Central
Volks Railway East
Volks Railway West
Waterhall East
Waterhall Farm Slope
Waterhall Golf Course Central
Waterhall Golf Course North
Waterhall Golf Course South
Waterhall Valley
Watts Bank
Westfield Avenue
Westlain Plantation
Whiteway Lane
Wish Park
Whittingehame Gardens (Copse) REJECTED
Withdean Park Copse
Withdean Road Woods REJECTED
Woolards Field REJECTED
In terms of Site Selection the National Guidelines published in 2010 emphasized the importance of local connections to nature. The species need not be rare. The habitats do not need to be regionally important, only 'semi-natural'. The opportunity of seeing lizards or hearing birds and perhaps even seeing them bringing food to their chicks in the Spring are important.
These are LOCAL wildlife sites, with a local connection and interest. Indeed, some may currently have low biodiversity interest, but the opportunities to enhance them for wildlife makes them important as LWSs.
Last update: January 2024
Choosing the best wildlife sites in Brighton and Hove - 2013 Formal Consultation Invitations
From: Matthew Thomas [mailto:]
Sent: 27 March 2013
To: Undisclosed recipients:
Subject: Choosing the best wildlife sites in Brighton and Hove
The selection panels take place at the following times and venues:
7pm, Tuesday 23rd April, Portslade Town Hall, Victoria Road, Brighton, BN41 1YF (for the Hove, Mile Oak and Portslade areas).
7pm, Monday 29th April, Saltdean Community Centre, Saltdean Park Road, Saltdean, BN2 8SP (for east Brighton, Rottingdean and Saltdean).
7pm, Tuesday 30th April, Brighton Town Hall, Bartholomews, Brighton, BN1 1JA (for central Brighton, Wild Park and farmland to the north).