Restoring Nature in Brighton and Hove
Aims, Objective and Tracking Progress
🔸 Making greater efforts to protect and enhance the fabulous natural spaces and their respective inhabitants we have already and yet struggling to cling on to.Â
🔸 This don't mean over-manicured 'parks'.
🔸 Getting Brighton and Hove City Council to respond to resident's communications.Â
🔸 Encourage people converting their front gardens to leave strip for planting.
🔸 Benefit of having a pond.
🔸 Bird and Bat boxes.
🔸 Subsidised water butts.
🔸 identify 30% of the areas in Parks where nature conservation is given top priority
🔸 identify 30% of Brighton & Hove Gardens where Biodiversity is given space to thrive
Evidence Base
Ha Habitat Type  Â
0.13 Â Â Estuary saline water
0.52 Â Standing open water and canalsÂ
7.68 Â Â Brackish standing water with no sea connection
2.67 Â Other standing open water and canals
1.03 Â Â Â Open water (standing/running not specified)
  1670.81  Arable and horticulture
0.60 Â Â Traditional Orchard
20.67 Calcareous grassland
177.00 Lowland calcareous grassland (PHT)
101.29 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates
3353.89 Improved grassland
6.18 Neutral grassland
106.24 Other neutral grassland
    14.66  Grassland, possibly unimproved
   3.67 Saline lagoons (PHT)
  0.03 Transport corridors
586.76 Transport corridor without associated verges
189.02 Transport corridor associated verges only
35.17 Transport corridor with natural land surface
32.57 Littoral chalk (PHT)
3.12 Other littoral rock
2.78 Mudflats and sandflats not covered by sea water at low tide
34.39 Other littoral sediment
7.57 Unknown terrestrial vegetation
0.01 Undetermined young woodland
0.36 Artificial rock exposures and waste
4.18 Maritime cliff and slopes (PHT)
0.42 Boulders and rock above the high tide mark
0.80 Coastal vegetated shingle (PHT)
1.34 Perennial vegetation of stony banks
33.81 Other shingle above high tide mark
3.74 Unidentified habitat
2.77 Untranslatable habitat [data deficient]
1463.01 Built-up areas and gardens
25.91 Broadleaved, mixed and yew woodland
20.23 Mixed woodland
181.25 Scrub woodland
253.72 Broadleaved woodland
0.52 Coniferous woodland
Total 853 ha of semi-natural habitats, equivalent to just over 10% of the total area of the city = 8,267 ha.
PHT - undefined. Likely to mean 'Priority Habitat Type'
 #Brighton #biodiversity #BHRestoreNatureNow #30by30 #RestoreNatureNow #wildlife #nature