
Wildlife and Important Nature Areas in Brighton and Hove

➡️ MAPS OF SITES              LWS Data as .KML file LGS Data as .KML file (for Google Earth)

➡️ MAPS OF SITES                LWS Data as .SHP files LGS Data as .SHP files (for  GIS import)


A healthy environment provides a third of Sustainable Development foundations!


Thanks for your interest in local nature.

➡️ MAPS OF SITES              LWS Data as .KML file LGS Data as .KML file (for Google Earth)

➡️ MAPS OF SITES                LWS Data as .SHP files LGS Data as .SHP files (for GIS import)

Last updated:  July 2024

Legal Disclaimer: Conditional upon viewing this web site.



➡️ Sites Considered by BHCC and results 

➡️ NATIONAL 'Selecting Local Wildlife Sites' GUIDANCE

➡️ FORMER 'City Wildlife' website details  www.citywildlife.org.uk 

Contact BrightonWildlife   if the form below is blocked you can send a message to the name  (one word) 'AT'  Yahoo  .  com