List of Brickell West Agencies

The Following list is a mostly complete list of all of the currently functioning Agencies, Departments, Boards, Committees, and Councils currently residing in Brickell West

  • The City Council of Brickell West: arguably the most important Council in all of Brickell West, the Brickell West City Council is responsible for passing laws that run Brickell West.
  • D.O.F.T.P.A.E., aka the department of the Preservation and Expansion of Brickell West, whose duties include: managing City projects, enforcing the laws of Brickell West, and anything else that is deemed neccessary.
  • D.O.A.C., aka the Department of Anti-Corruption. This department has the power to create task-forces against corruption, even corruption inside the City Council. Because of the important duties it is tasked with, D.O.A.C. answers only to itself and Mayor Chazz Woodson.
  • BWPR, aka Brickell West Public Relations. BWPR is in charge with spreading the beautiful concept that is Brickell West, and manage the Brickell West Official site.
  • The Ethics Committee, which is an advisory committee which gives insightful information to the City Council and the Mayor. As much as some members complain about there supposed "lack of power to make any decisions", the Ethics Committee is still a valued member of our community with multiple former Council Members serving on it.
  • The Brickell West Department of Human Recourses, or BWDHR, (HR for short,) is the department of the Brickell West government which is in charge of managing those who work for Brickell West. The majority of applications for governmental postions are created and managed by the HR department. The Brickell West Commissioner is usually in charge of the HR department.