Becoming a citizen of Brickell West/FAQ

So, you want to join are beautiful community? In order to join the principality of Brickell West, you have to accept many rules. These rules are listed in a document titled "rules of the city of Brickell West". If you agree to these rules, you have to have proof of a relative/ at least 2 sponsors already living in our community. Alternatively, the mayor of Brickell West can grant citizenship under the bylaw "dona autem conversatio."

Why Brickell West?

Brickell West is an amazing city, with a design district, multiple malls, and even an elegant skyline! You won't find anywhere else with quite as much history, either. Brickell West contains a midieval castle, a spanish fort, and even a few civil war battle sites! There are tons of things to do in Brickell West, and their are new things to do everyday!

How could you support the Community?

All you have to do to show your support for Brickell West is to be active on our forums. Try to contribute new, good, and innovative ideas to improve our community. You can also tell others about Brickell West and its wonders.

How to join Brickell West?

Most of the details are listed above, however everyone in their heart can feel Brickell West. It follows along lineage and friendships.