What we offer: 

Certificate of participation will be provided to all participants at the end of the workshop. Additionally, their contribution will be acknowledged by giving the authorship in any publication containing their work.

Target Participants.

Bachelors/Masters, Ph.D and Postdoc candidates with a research background in bioinformatics / computational biology/computer science shall work on a defined problem from any of the above broad categories based on their area of expertise. Faculty members are also welcome to apply.

Required skills (any of the 3 points) : 

Candidates will be selected entirely based on their online-interview, research experience, hands on skills and publication(s). 

If any shortlisted applicant is not employed or affiliated to any organization, we need to be convinced by his/her skills for his/her participation. The candidates can produce a supporting letter from his/her academic advisors/ employers from his/her previous institute recommending him/her for his/her participation.

The participants are expected to work independently during the jamboree session.They are expected to have prior knowledge and hands on skills based on which their projects shall be allotted.