

若要將論文以發表年分排列,請至實驗室的 Google Scholar page

1. 鑑識神經科學與測謊  Detection of Deception

2. 腦電刺激與神經調控  Visual Memory & Brain Stimulation (TMS, tDCS, tACS)


3. 注意力與意識  Attention & Consciousness

4. 知覺與錯覺  Perception & Illusions

5. Gamma聲光刺激、認知訓練與失智  Sensory Entrainment, Cognitive Training, and Dementia

6. 運動與動作知覺  Perception, Action, Sports Cognition

7. 衝動抑制  Cognitive & Inhibitory Control


8. 人機互動與介面  Human Factors and Usability


9. 道德判斷與社會認知  Moral and Social Cognition

10. 哲學與科學  Philosophy of Science

11. 其他  Others