This website is dedicated to the history of Brady, Montana. It was created and is maintained by Janice Bergstrom Farkell. It is a work in progress. My contact info is

This website is in the memory of Mildred Trost who preserved and shared a great deal of the information we still enjoy and appreciate.

I welcome pictures and information to be included in this website.

In 1917 the town of Brady boasted three lumber yards, two blacksmith shops, two barber shops and a newspaper as well as several other places of business.

South Side, foreground to background: North Side, foreground to background:

Miss Whetstone's Brady HardwareHuff Harness Shop Farmer's State BankElderkin and Shone Meat Market Brady Drug StoreFinley General Store E.T. McDonald Farm Land (real estate)Fay Drug and Grocery Sweitzer, LawyerBrady Commercial Hotel Bulmer Barber ShopLewis Grain Company Lee and Wolden GroceryHotel Brady (across the tracks) Brady Citizen Newspaper Brady Mercantile Gallatin Valley Milling Company

Brady in the beginning! About 1909

Lewis Grain and Implements, Boorman Lumber Company, Brady Mercantile, Lee & Wolden Grocery, Bulmer Barber Shop, Ballard Restaurant