Health & Safety

Just a quick update on health and safety...

Your biggest risk is probably rabbits, believe it or not. Watch out for holes in the grass. They're often not very visible at all.

Also, if you're wearing open toed footwear, mind out for sticks (left over from pruning) also in the grass. We try to get them all, but occasionally can miss them .

If you see a bunch of delectable berries deep in the bush, just be cautious when plunging your hands in there, that you don't inadvertently skewer yourself on a trimmed branch. It's unlikely but not impossible. Just take it easy and you'll be fine. Being too hasty is never a good idea, blueberry bushes suffer every year from people being too hasty, knocking off even unripe berries in their mad rush to get the ones they want.

There is also a weed called Nightshade. Its little black berries will probably not kill you, but could make you or your child quite sick. Of course we always pull them out when we see them, but can't guarantee we get them all. Birds eat the seeds and pass them on in their droppings. Fortunately here's a lot less of it this year.

And finally both chicken faeces (chooky poo) in the grass and the occasional bird droppings (bird poo) in the leaves and even on berries! 😱

Gosh, after reviewing all this, I think I should get a line of T-shirts done: …
“I survived the blueberry orchard at 828 Shands Road!”